Tuesday 22 November 2011

Behind the scenes

Today, I would like to acknowledge some behind the scenes work that make this blog possible. My wife Wendy is along for the majority of my photo expeditions. She provides encouragement and good company. Often, she is a reluctant accomplice to some of my crazy ideas. She may be called upon to hold up dead things while I photograph them, or she may patiently wait while I comb the beaches in search of another arrow head. She may have to pose in a field of wild flowers or walk on roads too soft and muddy for a vehicle.While you may see the glossy version on the blog, not all our excursions go exactly as planned, sometimes we get dirty and sometimes we get caught in a downpour...... She never dreamed that she would be teaching others to fish or even remotely thought that she might be a crack shot with a gun. Probably the biggest transition was the realization that camouflage and hunter orange would be a fashion mainstay in her closet. Through it all (nearly 25 years) Wendy continues to smile and humour me and my picture taking addiction. So now when you view my blog, I hope you have a better idea of exactly what goes on behind the scenes.


  1. You're a lucky man, Rob.

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel

  2. what a nice peice of writing on mom dad :) love yas

  3. Thank you Rob, for this insightful view of my cousin Wendy. And, thank you for keeping up your blog. It's a great way to keep in touch with family in another province. xo
